Hướng dẫn sử dụng

Multiscale Forecasting Models

Loại tài liệu: Tài liệu số - Book

Thông tin trách nhiệm: Barba Maggi, Lida Mercedes

Nhà Xuất Bản: Springer

Năm Xuất Bản: 2018

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Tóm tắt

This book presents two new decomposition methods to decompose a time series in intrinsic components of low and high frequencies. The methods are based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a Hankel matrix (HSVD). The proposed decomposition is used to improve the accuracy of linear and nonlinear auto-regressive models. Linear Auto-regressive models (AR, ARMA and ARIMA) and Auto-regressive Neural Networks (ANNs) have been found insufficient because of the highly complicated nature of some time series. Hybrid models are a recent solution to deal with non-stationary processes which combine pre-processing techniques with conventional forecasters, some pre-processing techniques broadly implemented are Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) and Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT). Although the flexibility of SSA and SWT allows their usage in a wide range of forecast problems, there is a lack of standard methods to select their parameters. The proposed decomposition HSVD and Multilevel SVD are described in detail through time series coming from the transport and fishery sectors. Further, for comparison purposes, it is evaluated the forecast accuracy reached by SSA and SWT, both jointly with AR-based models and ANNs.

Ngôn ngữ:en
Thông tin trách nhiệm:Barba Maggi, Lida Mercedes
Thông tin nhan đề:Multiscale Forecasting Models
Nhà Xuất Bản:Springer
Loại hình:Book
Bản quyền:© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
Mô tả vật lý:141 p.
Năm Xuất Bản:2018

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