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Loại tài liệu: Tài liệu số - Book

Thông tin trách nhiệm: Blanchard, Olivier

Nhà Xuất Bản: Pearson

Năm Xuất Bản: 2017

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Tóm tắt

In Macroeconomics, Blanchard presents a unified, global view of macroeconomics, enabling students to see the connections between goods markets, financial markets, and labor markets worldwide. Organized into two parts, the text contains a core section that focuses on short-, medium-, and long-run markets and three major extensions that offer more in-depth coverage of the issues at hand. From the major economic crisis and monetary policy in the United States, to the problems of the Euro area and growth in China, the text helps students make sense not only of current macroeconomic events but also of events that may unfold in the future. Integrated, detailed boxes in the Seventh Edition, Global Edition, have been updated to convey the life of macroeconomics today; reinforce lessons from the models; and help students employ and develop their analytical and evaluative skills

Ngôn ngữ:en
Thông tin trách nhiệm:Blanchard, Olivier
Thông tin nhan đề:Macroeconomics
Nhà Xuất Bản:Pearson
Loại hình:Book
Bản quyền:© Pearson Education Limited 2017
Mô tả vật lý:581 p.
Năm Xuất Bản:2017

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