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Loại tài liệu: Tài liệu số - Book
Thông tin trách nhiệm: Taro, Yamane
Nhà Xuất Bản: Harper & Row
Năm Xuất Bản: 1967
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This is a textbook mainly for students in business and economics but it has also been designed so that with appropriate selections of chapters it may be used by students in other disciplines . The first 15 chapters are designed for an undergraduate level , and the remaining chapters for upper divisions courses or an introductory statistics course for graduate students . Recently most colleges have included statistics as a required course in their economics and business curriculums , and for the majority of students , this will probably be the only statistics course they will ever take . Hence the book is planned to cover a wide and balanced variety of topics in one semester . A second viewpoint that was adopted by the author was , that in college , the main emphasis should be on the theoretical aspects of statistics , that is , the emphasis should be on the why rather than the how . Hypothetical examples have been used and deliberately kept simple so that the statistical process does not become submerged in a jungle of calculations . In accordance with these views , five topics are covered in the first 15 chapters which are intended as a basic one semester statistics course . Chapters 1-4 are the traditional descriptive statistics covering frequency distributions , various means , and measures of dispersion . Chapters 5-10 are on statistical inferences starting with a discussion of probability and including a discussion of the traditional objective approach and the more recent subjective
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