Hướng dẫn sử dụng

The Young Alaskans

Loại tài liệu: Tài liệu số - Book

Thông tin trách nhiệm: Hough, Emerson, 1857-1923

Nhà Xuất Bản: Harper & Brothers

Năm Xuất Bản: 1908

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Tóm tắt

Now there came to the ears of all the low, hoarse boom of the steamer’s whistle. The great vessel was lying out somewhere in the fog, nosing her way in carefully, taking care not to touch any of the hidden rocks which line the Alaskan shores. The residents of the town poured out from dwelling and shop alike, and soon the streets were full, almost the entire population hurrying over the long trestle to the dock where the boat must land. The whistle said to them that there were now at hand cargoes of goods for the merchants, machinery for the new railroad building inland, necessities and luxuries for every-day life, and, best of all, letters, books and papers from the outside world. “Outside” in an Alaskanrncoast town means the United States. Across the range of mountains which fence off the coast from the vast interior “outside” means the coast itself; just as to any town dweller of the Alaska coast “inside” means somewhere in the icy interior, vast and unexplored.

Ngôn ngữ:en
Thông tin trách nhiệm:Hough, Emerson, 1857-1923
Thông tin nhan đề:The Young Alaskans
Nhà Xuất Bản:Harper & Brothers
Loại hình:Book
Bản quyền:©1908 by Harper & Brothers
Mô tả vật lý:183 p.
Năm Xuất Bản:1908

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